8 Creamy Vegan Vanilla Pudding Recipes

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Vanilla pudding, oh how I’ve missed you! 🍮

Ever since going vegan, I’ve been on a mission to recreate all my favorite childhood desserts without the dairy. And let me tell you, cracking the code for creamy vegan vanilla pudding has been quite the journey. But fear not, fellow plant-based pals – I’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to!

After countless late nights in the kitchen (and maybe a few pudding-induced sugar comas), I’ve compiled 8 absolutely divine vegan vanilla pudding recipes that’ll make you forget all about the boxed stuff.

I’ve scoured vegan cookbooks, consulted with plant-based chefs, and put my own spin on some classics to bring you the creamiest, dreamiest vanilla puddings you’ve ever tasted. Whether you’re a coconut cream connoisseur or an avocado aficionado, there’s a pudding here with your name on it.

The best part? These recipes are so simple, you could probably whip them up blindfolded (though I don’t recommend it – pudding splatters are no joke). So grab your favorite whisk, put on your comfiest stretchy pants, and let’s dive spoon-first into pudding paradise!

Classic Coconut Milk Vanilla Pudding

Classic Coconut Milk Vanilla Pudding

Ah, the OG vegan pudding base – coconut milk. This creamy concoction is as close to the classic as you can get without cracking open a cow.

To make this dreamy dessert, you’ll need full-fat coconut milk, cornstarch, sugar, and a generous splash of vanilla extract. Heat it all up in a saucepan, whisking constantly until it thickens (your arm might feel like it’s about to fall off, but trust me, it’s worth it).

Pour into cute little ramekins, chill, and voila! You’ve got yourself a silky smooth pudding that’ll make you say “Jell-O who?”

Pro tip: Add a pinch of turmeric for that classic yellow hue. Just don’t go overboard unless you want your pudding to taste like a curry (been there, done that, wouldn’t recommend).

Cashew Cream Vanilla Pudding

Cashew Cream Vanilla Pudding

Calling all nut lovers! This cashew-based pudding is so rich and creamy, it’ll make you question everything you thought you knew about dessert.

Soak those cashews overnight (or if you’re impatient like me, use the quick-soak method), then blend them up with some plant milk, maple syrup, and vanilla. A little cornstarch helps it set, and before you know it, you’ve got a pudding that’s nuttier than your great-aunt Ethel.

I once served this to my non-vegan friends without telling them it was dairy-free. The looks on their faces when I revealed the secret ingredient? Priceless. 😂

Silken Tofu Vanilla Pudding

Silken Tofu Vanilla Pudding

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Tofu? In my pudding? You’ve lost your mind!” But hear me out, folks.

Silken tofu is the chameleon of the vegan world. Blend it up with some sweetener, vanilla, and a touch of plant milk, and I swear on my vintage spiralizer collection, you won’t even know it’s there.

This protein-packed pudding is perfect for those days when you want to feel a little virtuous about your dessert choices. Hey, we’ve all been there – no judgment here!

Avocado Vanilla Pudding

Avocado Vanilla Pudding

Okay, stay with me on this one. I know avocado in a sweet dish might sound a bit… well, icky. But trust me, this pudding is so good it’ll make you want to plant an avocado tree in your backyard.

The secret is using perfectly ripe avocados (you know, the ones that are ripe for approximately 2.5 seconds before turning into brown mush). Blend them up with some plant milk, sweetener, and vanilla, and you’ve got yourself a pudding that’s as green as it is delicious.

Plus, you can totally count this as a serving of vegetables. That’s just science. 🥑

Banana Vanilla Pudding

Banana Vanilla Pudding

For all my banana-loving buddies out there, this one’s for you. It’s like banana bread’s sassy cousin who decided to become a pudding instead.

All you need are some ripe bananas (the spottier, the better), a splash of plant milk, and a hit of vanilla. Blend it up, chill it down, and you’ve got a pudding that’s fruitier than a Carmen Miranda hat.

Fair warning: This pudding might make you spontaneously break into the Banana Boat Song. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Chia Seed Vanilla Pudding

Chia Seed Vanilla Pudding

Ah, chia seeds. The tiny little superheroes of the plant-based world. These guys work overtime to create a pudding that’s as nutritious as it is delicious.

Mix chia seeds with your favorite plant milk, a touch of sweetener, and a healthy dose of vanilla. Let it sit overnight, and by morning, you’ll have a pudding that’s chock-full of omega-3s and fiber.

It’s like eating a multivitamin, but WAY tastier. And who doesn’t love a breakfast that doubles as dessert?

Sweet Potato Vanilla Pudding

Sweet Potato Vanilla Pudding

I know, I know. Sweet potato in pudding sounds about as appetizing as a kale smoothie at first. But trust me, this orange wonder will change your life.

Steam and blend some sweet potatoes with coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla. The result? A pudding so smooth and creamy, you’ll wonder why you ever bothered with instant pudding mix.

Plus, it’s packed with vitamin A. So really, you’re doing your eyes a favor by eating this. You’re welcome, retinas!

Oat Milk Vanilla Pudding

Oat Milk Vanilla Pudding

Last but certainly not least, we have the oat milk pudding. It’s like a warm hug from your favorite oatmeal cookie, but in pudding form.

Heat up some oat milk with sugar, cornstarch, and vanilla, and you’ve got yourself a pudding that’s creamier than a pick-up line at a vegan speed dating event.

This one’s perfect for those with nut allergies, or anyone who just really, really likes oats. (No judgment here – oats are life.)

And there you have it, folks! Eight creamy, dreamy vegan vanilla pudding recipes that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance.

Whether you’re a long-time vegan looking to switch up your dessert game, or a curious omnivore dipping your toe into the plant-based pool, these puddings are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Remember, the key to great vegan pudding is experimentation. Don’t be afraid to mix and match ingredients, or add your own special twist. Who knows? You might just create the next big thing in vegan desserts!

So what are you waiting for? Grab your blender, put on your favorite 80s playlist (because let’s face it, everything’s better with a little Madonna in the background), and get pudding!

Your taste buds will thank you, your body will thank you, and hey, maybe even the cows will thank you. Now go forth and pudding, my friends! 🥄✨